Sunday, 14 December 2014


Dapat peluang duduk negara org ni memang eye opening. Bnyak benda kita boleh compare dgn tanah tumpah darah kita..ada yg kita lagi baik ada yg org lg baik, ada yg kita boleh jadikan ikutan ada jugak yg kita kena mintak simpang...
Pokoknya, kita boleh kembangkan sikit pemikiran kita...

Walaupun Thailand dekat ceh jaaa but still it's a totally different country man. Bahasa pun dah lain...cross jer border dah nampak tulisan kerekot2 mcm cacing obviously laaa menda2 lain pun different dari negara kita...

Ni based on my personal observations n experiences for 2 yrs n 3 months living in Thailand. Opinion org lain tau la pulak aku, sume org are entitled to their own opinion kan...

First of all yg aku notice is the public toilets here. Kebanyakkan yg aku dah penah guna memang bersih. Ok ni major point yg buat aku kagum, toilet diorang ni mostly takde flush pun, ada kolah kecik dgn cebok jaaa... 
Ni contoh...memang mcm ni la most toilets diorang, kat rest area, stesen minyak, kedai2, restoran2....cuma mayb kat shopping complex tu dah ada la campo dgn toilet yg duduk...

Another thing about their toilets is kurang bau, kalau kita kt RnR tu kdg2 lalu dpn toilet pun kena tutup idung, masuk toilet mesti hancing, walaupun ada makcik cleaner 24jam duk tunggu dlm toilet tu... siap tunggu dpn pintu toilet lagi, kita kluar jer dia plak masuk dgn mop la siap flush lg sekali, mcm kita budak kecik plak tapi kat sini x nampak plak btg idung cleaner toilet kat mana silapnya kita...pikir2 la...

Saturday, 13 December 2014


It's been 2 years....lama gila..Sometimes when i do something i'll give my all n my best, make sure i finish what i've started but there are times when i feel lost, no drive, got distracted n all the other reasons as long as it's not bcoz of me...

We did move to Thailand on the 5th September it's been 2years n 3 months...but who's counting...

The first year ok la...getting use to a new place n new position, besides a full time house wife, i'm being dragged into the officials n unofficials duties...

Since we've been here, we have lesser time to venture out n go explore places here...not like in Kuching when almost every weekend was filled with trips n visits to places...

Now, today, tonight i just feel like writing again...though i dont know what i'll write about....i just feel the need to express things..write down things....things i've been surpressing