Yeah right! i'm talking about my preferences to Oman rather than Dubai. I know a lot of people knows Dubai more than Oman and feels like it would be great if they got a chance to go to Dubai. But that's only because they don't know Oman like I do. Well then again it is a subjective matter when we deal
with likes and dislikes depending on the person's whole life actually.
If you are the kind of person who likes nature i think you'll tend to like Oman, but if you are a shopper, Dubai is definitely your place...cuma sediakan ongkosnya aja banyak2. Although we often hear people said best shopping kt dubai...especially kain, heaven, mcm2 jenis kain yg xde kat malaysia..ada kat dubai....some people even said it's cheap to go shopping in Dubai, well that depends on where u go shopping.
I, personally ok, bukan mewakili mana2 pihak pun, thinks takde lah murah gilee shopping kt sana, murah sikit tu mayb ada, kalau semata2 nak g shopping bila dah campur2 tiket, hotel sume rasanya x de la berbaloi baloi. Unless u have lots of fulus aka org kaya la ni yg dah tak tau nak habih kan duit ke mana.... boleh la sekali sekala g shopping kt Dubai. Ni baca kat org yg fav place in the whole world is Dubai, marah ni.... hehehe well nak wat camna subjective kan, aku suka ko tak suka, ko suka aku tak suka... biasa aaaa.
I went to Dubai twice in the duration of 5 years tu. Jalan2 pun ye, shopping pun ye. Kami g shopping kat souq jer la...I think the souq was on fire once but i can't remember when 2006 or 2007 so now it must have been built again and will look different from the old one. Kt souq ni ok lah leh tawar2, i personally bukan pandai pun bab2 tawar menawar ni, cuma boleh laa sikit2. Actually it's not that i hate shopping tapi masalahnya ma fi fulus...hehehe citer psl arab kena la ckp arab skit kan. Kalau fi fulus agaknya tak cukup tangan nak bawak beg2 shopping... hihihi. So due to life's predicament, we did more sight seeing.. tak shopping sangat pun xpe lah..asal dapat tengok tempat org.
Repeat warning, gamba sikit jer ni, jangan tension yer, puasa kena sabar.... hehehe
This is the river that divides Dubai city, if u wanna cross to the other side, nampak tak boat2 tu...haaa naik tu la the jetty pun cantik macam bus stop and the fare is so cheap too. Kalau rasa ape kelas naik bot2 murah ni, ada package tour bus yg bus boleh tukar jadi ala2 kapal... hahaha pening kome nak mikirkannye. The bus will take u on a city tour and then go into this river, masa masuk river ni la bus tu tukar jadi boat..or water bus ke ape ke ..(i don't remember what it's called).This was taken on our first family trip to Dubai....Now if i'm not mistaken dah ada water taxi yg cantik jugak, more people can choose... i think i prefer the old water taxi.
This is part of the view of Dubai city, see the buildings, mostly are modern skyscrapers. To me it is getting more and more congested... i feel suffocated driving through the city area. Banyak banggunan banyak orang... every where u go is full of people... and mostly are foreigner... the local themselves pun dah tak nampak macam orang arab kot... they blended with the mat salleh tourist ... ambik kesempatan kot nak pakai seluar pendek...hehehe. Kalau kat Oman, we can still see the Omani men stand out because of their white crisp jubah. Even budak2 muda2 pun still pakai jubah Oman tu... Kalau kat dubai youngsters ramai yg ikut trend dah... hip hop la, pop la and entah apa2 lagi trend dressingnya.
This is the famous Burj Al Arab... masa ni yg ni le yg tgh top...sekarang yg ni org dah tak pandang dah.....opppsss by the way ignore the date on the pic... salah tu... maklumla masa ni kamera old skool...every time on nak kena set date balik... so masa ni dah malas dah..
Another pic of this hotel... mula nak letak pic ni jer tapi lepas tu tepikir plak kang kalau tak de gamba tuan punya badan nanti org ingat tipu plak... kot la kopi pes jer... hehehe nah..tadi dah tgk muka besar2 percaya lah saya pernah ke Dubai...
Ni mostly permandangan jalan ke Dubai... it takes about4-5hours driving to Dubai from Muscat Oman. Fadang fasir saja lah... The second time we went ada unta tepi2 jalan ni so ada la gambar unta... tapi malangnya gambar tu yg takde dlm simpanan soft copy... hamba mintak maaf yee.
Sapa lagi kalau bukan miss Atiqah... hehehe masa kami pegi ni I think she wasn't even 1 year old kot tapi dah dekat la. I miss that baby face... sekarang muka dah lain sikit...
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