Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lagi lagi Pontianak

Lepas kitorang lepak2 jap... petang sikit kitorang kluar lagi jln2..

This is the bazaar... mcm kat Jln TAR, mcm kat Mutrah souq Muscat, mcm kat Serikin... Name of this place is Pasar Sudirman but nothing to do with the singer. 

These are some of the shops, macam2 ada... and most of the clothes here are cheap. Unfortunately when we arrived here, they were already closing the shops.. tapi actually kitorang pun tak de mende sangat nak beli pun ..saja la tengok2 (ayat penyedap hati)

After that we went here...this place is near the river, ada fountain but still under construction, kira tempat lepak2 la lebih kurang... feri kat belakang tu is use to transport vehicles across the river... Nape lah minah ni sengih beria... maluuuuu

Ada jugak gerai2 jual makanan2 ringan and drinks and toys..

This is the fountain yg still under construction...

suka la budak 2 org ni aunty belikan belon...

Lepas tu  pegi sini pulak.. sebab malam ni tuan tanah nak bawak kami dinner atas boat... we have to book the table early and also decide on the food.... ala2 river cruise la jugak..

this is the mini cruise boat... but the one we went on that night is bigger.

This is on the boat... naik jer, while waiting for them to refuel, the food arrived and we started eating even before the cruise started. Sebabnya... we booked for the 8pm cruise but there was a slight miss understanding  so our departure was delayed nearly an hour. Sume dah lapar tu yg tak sempat boat jalan semua dah licin. When we were done, we moved to the front of the boat... nak menikmati permandangan menyusuri sungai di malam hari. 

This is in front of the boat...

The kids were already tired and sleepy tambah dgn angin yg sangat best meniup kitorang kat depan boat tu. Tapi pics scenery malam tu sume gelap2 tak nampak apa pun... have to see for yourself la... By the time the boat headed back to the jetty, the kids were already sleeping... Saifullah boleh la lagi di dukung but kakak have to walk herself to the car with eyes half closed... Yang penting we all had a day full of fun and unforgettable experiences

1 comment:

  1. Kapan lagi anda punya kesempatan??
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