Tuesday 26 July 2011

Orang Utan

Yang ni memang masuk kategori must go n see. Kalau sesapa datang Srawak tak tgk kawan yg sorang ni, kecik ati dia. For us it's different coz we live here... first time tgk orang utan ni was definitely an experience... tapi bila dah beberapa kali pegi sebab bawak org.... rasanya orang utan tu pun menyampah gak tgk muka kitorang... dlm hati dia mesti kata... lagi2 orang ni...xde ke org lain nak datang tgk aku... dato ct ke, faizal tahir ke? noh hujan ker? hihihi

Kalau kt semenanjung kita biasa tgk org utan yg in captivity... some were even breed in captivity... so slalunya tgk dia duk tecongok jer in a corner macam hidup dah tak bermakna...sian gak kalau tgk binatang yg mcm dah lost hope ni... orang pun kalau kena kurung boleh jadi putus harapan...

kalau kat sini, kat Semenggoh to be exact, sume org utan ni bebas...hidup dlm hutan.... cuma mereka di panggil utk makan twice a day once in the morning n once in the evening. But there's no guarantee they will show up. Kalau seekor dua tu pun dah kira lucky. Actually that's what happened to us on our first visit... 2 ekor jer showed up. But we were luckier on our second visit.

Ok... Semenggoh wildlife centre is situated about 24km from kuching so from our house about 30 minutes drive jer. The fee is rm 3 for adults n half for children. the ticket window at the entrance is about a mile away from the exact location. So u have to drive up the path to the orang utan feeding area. There are actually gardens, nature walks and arboretum along this path but u have to get a ranger to accompany u in a group of up to 5 people if u want to walk through the refuge. The fee for this is rm13 per group.

This wildlife centre is open 7 days a week including holidays from 8am-12.30pm and from 2pm-4pm. The feeding time is at 9am and 3pm. So better check the schedule..jgn main terjah jer...

There are rules that u have to abide by when u enter the trail to the feeding area. U have to be very quiet... which is quite difficult when u have a 2 year old boy who is not used to being told to be quiet. If u want to take pictures make sure your flash is off. We were told that there were orang utans that have become blind due to the camera flash. They must have been photographed a lot..kalah artis hollywood la gayanya.
And make sure if u have food or water with u simpan elok2. Orang utan ni unpredictable... they can seem to be harmless but in a split second they can also be dangerous. There's proof of what happen to people who don't follow the rules or for some who might just be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I would have to apologise in advance coz i actually don't have a lot of pictures for this trip... like the pic for the injuries that some people got... gruesome tul... best tu kalau buleh tunjuk...(i'm weird.. i know)... or the pics of the alpha male called ritchie that weighs over 300 pounds. My hubby is the lucky one coz he got to see this ritche when he took some delegates to the wildlife centre. Unfortunately he didn't get to take pictures. The pictures i posted here were taken before i decided to write a blog..but i'll try my best for trips we r taking after this will definitely be more visual..

this is from our first visit, actually there's more pictures tapi puas godek2 dlm lappy ni tapi x jumpa.... cari dlm cd2 yg dah ditransfer dr lappy oleh encik hubby pun x de... agaknya aritu masa dia terdelete sikit gambar2 dlm lappy ni dia terdelete skali kot...sebab ni gambar yg upload dari hp dia ke lappy. Anyway kt bawah ada gambar dari second visit...

ni masa mak ngan ayah datang aritu... kt blakang tu trail nk masuk ke feeding area

this is the trail tapi dekat jer... x sempat peluh ketiak pun dah sampai.... feeding area tu actually is on a platform... so tinggi la skit, the place for visitors to sit n look at the orang utan pun ada tapi slalu org x duduk pun sebab orang utan ni will come from different directions so org akan berada di sekeliling seating areas tu to get a good view of the orang utan.

this is one... coming from the back kalau x salah...

ni clear skit

oppss again mengglamerkan mak n ayahku...hehehe this is actually on our way back to the parking lot. so kalau sampai kena turun bukit ni sikit la... tapi x jauh kt blakang yg nampak mcm bumbung tu dah dekat la dgn trail nk ke feeding area tu.

Ish x puas hati betul laaa... sebab rasa masa first time pegi tu memang banyak ambik gambar... tapi ke mana sume gambar2 tu??? misteri sungguh... x pe nanti encik hubby balik keje kena soal siasat ni....kalau ada i will post again..kalau xde kena la tunggu sesapa datang melawat baru leh bawak g sana n ambik pic lagi....

oooohhh ya to those who are wandering how i'm feeling... today dah ok la banyak sikit from yesterday...kalau tak takkan dah boleh menaip n3 ni kan... maknanya nasik sume dah pergi ke tempat2 yg sepatutnya la kan...
ok lah chow cin cau....

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